Isahoque Developer’s Ltd


Board Of Directors

Md. Israfil Alam
Managing Director

Md. Israfil  Alam is one of the founder and the Managing Director of Isahoque Developer’s Ltd. His father’s name is Isahoque Ali Biswas.  Md. Israfil Alam was born in 1977 in Jhenaidah , Bangladesh. He is post graduated with honors in management and has a well seasoned professional business background with an illustrious track record.

After establishment of “ISAHOQUE DEVELOPER’S LTD” it has been 12 years of initially serving in various sectors of the government including the engineering consultancy of various departments such as roads and highway of Bangladesh, Bangladesh power development board etc. ISAHOQUE DEVELOPER’S LTD (IDL) is now an active member of the Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) and also ISO 9001:2015 Certified & RAJUK ENLISTED. IDL has become a trusted name in the real estate sector in Bangladesh. We have set a very high standard in the field of construction and engineering. Maintaining faith is more important than ever in today’s business industry. Commitment to our customers and landowners in terms of on time delivery of their dream projects, with the promised quality and specifications. Wherever we operate, we strive to conduct our business in a manner that reflects IDL’s higher commitment integrity and governance to business which we has earned huge goodwill – a strong foundation on which IDL hopes to grow further by continuing to create high standard products services to our valuable customers.

Finally, Thanks to Almighty Allah for his blessing and guidance and for making our dream our vision into a reality.

Engr Forhat Afja Lubna

One of the Founder and Director and CEO of the Isahoque Developers Ltd. Engr. Forhat  Afja  Lubna was born in 1978 in Sunamgonj District. She Graduated from the Civil and Environment Engineering from SUST in 2003. In the same year she joint Engineering Planning and Consultancy Team as a assistant Engineer for Bangladesh largest Bibiana Gas field establishment Project. After that she established a Civil Engineering Firm “NOKSA” in 2008 and which was converted into a limited company in 2011 with a new mane “ Isahoque Developer’s Ltd.” to generate employment and build modern and sustainable residential /commercial complex in different location of Bangladesh.   “Isahoque Developer’s Ltd.” is a first growing organization in the real estate development sector of Bangladesh. We have gathered excellent working experience in exclusive residential /commercial complex. Our main view is to construct and develop high quality residential /commercial projects and maintain longtime friendly relationship with the respective Land owner‘s and our valuable customers. “Isahoque Developer’s Ltd.” is enlisted member of Rajdhani Unnayan Kortipakkho (RAJUK) which no is : 000841, active member of Real Estate Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) which no is : 1623/2021, and ISO 9001:2015 Certified company.

In the Coming Years, I hope to see concord scale greater heights by setting new goals and working hard to achieve them. Our commitment is to improve the quality of life of the people of Bangladesh through professional excellence in our field

Board of directors

Md. Israfil Alam

Managing Director

Engr. Forhat Afja Lubna
